Affiliate Membership

The FASD United Affiliate Network was established to establish lines of communication among colleagues and organizations in the field of FASD, share resources, unify core values and messages, and turn up the volume on the appeal for attention and resources.

There are numerous recent examples of success among other public health issues when like-minded groups collaborate. At the same time those in the FASD community continue to face significant challenges in overcoming misconceptions about the risk of alcohol use during pregnancy and a lack of adequate resources.

Fortunately, the international FASD field consists of many dedicated and effective advocates and organizations. By working together in pursuit of a few key but important goals our achievements can grow exponentially, while each affiliate member organization maintains its identity and autonomy.

FASD United believes that networks are the most effective way to disseminate a message when faced with limited resources, and to advance the cause within the medical, education, policy, and criminal justice communities, not to mention among the general public.

If you are considering becoming a FASD United Affiliate, checkout our guidelines for membership.

To apply to become a Network Affiliate, please apply online.